
Have you ever said to yourself “I thought we would be further along by know” when reflecting on your company?

Sometimes there just isn’t enough time to stop and reflect “How is my company doing?” We may have a sense of financials and even a dashboard that tells us how we are measuring against our KPI´s.

But does that really tell us how we are doing? How are our employees doing? How is the market doing? How are our competitors doing? What else is on the horizon that could blind-side us and maybe even our whole industry? How are our transformations going? How innovative are we? These days everyone needs to innovate to be able to thrive and not just survive.


With over 20 years of executive management in global settings I have learned how valuable it is to stop, to take stock of the current situation and to assess where to go next. Today I take that knowledge, complemented with my work as an Innovation and Transformation Practitioner, and apply those insights to my client’s organization. With assessment tools, frameworks, workshops and interviews we identify strengths and weaknesses in all areas of the organization and create a massive action plan, a MAP, to take things to the next level.

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