
Would you like to find FLOW in your work, in your life, in your business?

What would that look like for you?


Leadership Coaching

Are you a business leader looking to leverage skills within you to help maximize your performance?

life Coaching

Are you struggling to find your way, to adjust to a new normal, a new way of working, a new way of interacting (or not) in the world?

Leadership Coaching

After spending the last 30 years managing teams and organizations, large and small, global and domestic, I have learnt that there are certain characteristics that signifies a great leader. We all have them, but like a muscle they need to be exercised and developed in order to really make a difference. Regardless of where I have met them, be it in Europe, North America or Southeast Asia I find great leaders have intentionally built their leadership muscles.

Just like professional athletes use a coach to help push them to become better at their game, great leaders use coaches to help them develop their game, to become an even better leader, to build a stronger business, to live a better life.

We all need to be pushed sometimes, so why struggle on your own?

Why not ensure that you have someone in your corner, with your best interest at heart, that has “walked a mile in your shoes”, that you can address challenges with and discuss options and strategic direction with. Someone that will push you when it is needed and will support you when that is needed.

Wonder if I'm the right choice for You?

Book a free discovery call and find out if working with me is the right decision for you at this time.


Great leaders have enormous impact. They can change the world; one person, one team, one company at a time.

Life Coaching

Are you struggling to find your way, to reach the best you. Or are you finding it difficult to adjust to a new normal, a new way of working, a new way of interacting in the world?

In these uncertain times many of us are struggling to find meaning and purpose in life and may even have put our lives on hold, while waiting for things to go back to normal. But what if there is no back to normal? What if the new normal is something very different than what you expect, then what?

I too have struggled to cope with challenges in my life. And not just through the pandemic, but by living in downtown Manhattan during the terrorist attacks of 9/11; by living and working in Bangkok during the tsunami in 2004. And by working two fulltime jobs when my boss developed a severe heart problem and I was asked to step into his shoes while still fulfilling my obligations in my regular job.

After each of these events I took a time out, a time to reflect and rebuild my life. And each time I got better at it. And today I can truly say I am grateful, not for the terrible events, but for having the opportunity to learn how to deal with challenges and difficulties. In fact, they became the motivator for me to start working as a coach and mentor.

I was lucky to have the ability to step back, regroup and recharge. Not everyone is so fortunate. But there is another way to deal with difficult times, and that is to work with a coach that can help you develop the tools and skills, to find inner motivation, to self-leadership and creativity, to make meaningful changes in your life. To become the best version of you.

Don’t struggle alone

Try working with someone that has been through difficult times and can help you adjust to the new normal and be the creator of your new life.

Make meaningful changes in your life!

Would you like to learn the tools, develop the skills, find inner motivation and become a true self-leader?